The Centre at the farm in Liboc
The building of the Citizen´s association Útočiště at the farm in Liboc is situated in a beautiful countryside of the protected resort Leopoldovy Hamry in Krušné Mountains not far away from the town Kraslice. It is one-storey bulding built of bricks. The area of total 9.032 square metres is found in slightly hilly ground, from which the built-up space is 363 square metres. In a part of the building there is another accommodation space being built for providing social service. We also prepare the space for building a small facility which provides further work activation for social guidance users.
Who may be concerned:
Men of the age of over 18 up to 26
- people who are leaving educational facilities for asylum or protective treatment,or, for people from other facilities for children and the young
- people who are set free from prison sentence or protective treatment
- homeless people
- people with risky way of life or who are endangered by this way of life
- people endangered by the addiction or addicted to drugs
seating capacity : 19 after finishing
These basic activities are being provided in the Asylum house:
- providing accommodation
- providing food or help with getting food
- providing help with applying law, legible interests and arranging for personal matters
Necessary renovation on the building has been in progress. Thanks to the significant financial and material support from sponsors and foundations, we have completed phase II of the reconstruction of roofing, concrete work, and the securing of the floor in the newly begun sheltered therapeutic workshop. The replacement of additional windows and doors, plumbing, water lines, water hydrants and the circulation of hot service water has also been possible. The building insulation and other repairs inside the house have been completed. The center in Liboc received special thanks for the realization of the project from the VDV Olga Havel Foundation. The project was also supported by the donations given during the Advent Concerts on Czech television in 2008/2009. Clients from the shelter in Olovi and work groups from the USA voluntarily help with the landscape work.